Captures a badly-damaged enemy ship for the Privateer’s patron. Bring Her Home (Active Ability): Can be used by every ship in the Privateer’s fleet.There’s also Privateer, who’s described like this… Fightin’ is What We Do Best (Passive Ability): +10 Gold every time a unit engages in combat.Immediately sinks any badly-damaged enemy ship in exchange for +3 Movement and +5 Combat Strength for 5 turns. Walk the Plank (Active Ability): Can be used by every ship in the Dread Pirate’s fleet.

The Dread Pirate is one of the leaders on offer here, and they’re described thusly…

“The four Pirate Kings aren’t only battling each other, however. The scenario reimagines many aspects of Civilization VI so players can focus on new naval and scenario-specific gameplay. “Over 60 turns, players pillage ships and cities, build up their fleets, collect powerful Relics, and strive to become the most infamous pirate in the tropics. Each player takes the role of a Pirate King as they progress on their pirating career. The new ‘Pirates’ scenario is described in the Patch Notes as “a fast, competitive scenario for 1-4 players. Civ 6 Update: Pirates Multiplayer Scenario explained