Pitching is all about repetition, so if you’re trying to teach a kid, they’re going to have to throw a lot of pitches. Breaking balls should not be thrown, per experts, until girls are 11 and boys are 13. Breaking balls put too much strain on the arm and can lead to serious injuries in young players and even the need for Tommy John surgery. “We don’t teach curveballs until you’ve got some hair on your face or under your arms,” Belmont said, echoing a sentiment shared by coaches and orthopedists alike. If a young kids’ throwing consistent strikes, Belmont says he’ll teach a change-up, but certainly no breaking balls. The motion and windup should be the same for both.

When they’re ready, they can learn the two-seam fastball.

It’s the most consistent and easiest pitch to throw, and when a kid is learning, Belmont says there’s no need for them to throw anything else. When a kid starts pitching at eight or nine, there should not be thinking about anything other than a four-seam fastball. Focus on Two Pitches Only ⏤ No Junk Allowed The most consistent pitchers will be the most successful ones. To avoid this, he says to reinforce again and again that they should be throwing strikes, not going for speed. Invariably, per Belmont, they’re going to over-throw the ball and lose control. The first thing a talented kid wants to do on the mound is throw heat. Even more important: focusing on engaging the lower body will help prevent young pitchers from injuring their arms.

He suggests getting them to stress a natural arm motion and full follow through, which will help keep the ball down and in the strike zone. Often, per Belmont, new pitchers don’t bend their body in the follow through, which means the ball often goes way high. There are few common mistakes all coaches see in young pitchers.