I imagine one of the mods just sux super hard and is causing these issues. Im super confused as to why this is happening and would like help. The issue is that after every line of dialouge or every part of a cutscene the screen blurs and loads for a solid 2-5mins for no reason just to go back to smooth frames and my RAM and CPU are not being ran to any extremes during these issues or during gameplay. Yennefer Dynamic Costumes Mod Mod Posted about 2 years ago 71 downloads This The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt mod automatically changes Yennefers vanilla costume to her DLC costume after the Battle of Kaer Morhen and thereafter. THE GAME RUNS LIKE BUTTER SILKY SMOOTH WITH STEADY 144fps. Check our list of Best The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Mods.

So, my game is GOTY editon I have all the add-ons, patches, debug console enabler, and the unification patch. There are other specs, but they really arent needed. Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3